News About Balsamic Vinegar: Resolutions and Celebrations

balsamic vinegar of Modena

Resolution of the Balsamic Vinegar Dispute

The long-standing dispute between the consortia responsible for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena—IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) and DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta)—has finally come to an end. This conflict, which lasted for two decades, revolved around the distinctiveness and marketing of these two types of balsamic vinegar. However, a significant resolution has been achieved through the formation of a joint initiative called “Le Terre del Balsamico.” This new collaborative effort aims to promote and protect both types of balsamic vinegar, ensuring their quality and authenticity.

The primary goal of “Le Terre del Balsamico” is to enhance scientific research, improve production processes, and support sustainability initiatives. This initiative marks a pivotal moment for the balsamic vinegar industry in Modena, as it brings together the strengths and expertise of both consortia. By working together, they can better uphold the tradition and quality of Modena’s balsamic vinegar, which is cherished worldwide.

The resolution of this dispute is a testament to the importance of preserving the rich heritage and craftsmanship associated with balsamic vinegar production. Modena’s balsamic vinegar, with its unique flavors and complex aging process, is a symbol of the region’s cultural and culinary heritage. This collaboration ensures that the tradition of producing high-quality balsamic vinegar will continue to thrive for future generations.

Acetaie Aperte: A Celebration of Tradition

In conjunction with this resolution, Modena will host the annual Acetaie Aperte event on September 29, 2024. This event is organized by “Le Terre del Balsamico” and serves as a celebration of Modena’s famed balsamic vinegar. Acetaie Aperte provides a unique opportunity for the public to explore the world of balsamic vinegar, offering guided tours and tastings at various vinegar producers throughout the province.

During Acetaie Aperte, visitors can immerse themselves in the intricate production process of balsamic vinegar. The event highlights every stage of production, from the meticulous selection of grapes to the aging of vinegar in wooden barrels. This hands-on experience allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the craftsmanship and dedication involved in creating balsamic vinegar.

The guided tours offer a glimpse into the historical and cultural significance of balsamic vinegar in Modena. Many of the vinegar producers participating in Acetaie Aperte have been family-owned for generations, preserving traditional methods and secrets passed down through the ages. Visitors can witness the passion and expertise that goes into producing both the IGP and DOP varieties of balsamic vinegar.

One of the highlights of Acetaie Aperte is the opportunity to taste different types of balsamic vinegar. Visitors can savor the distinct flavors of the traditional balsamic vinegar, including the affinato (aged for a minimum of 12 years) and the extravecchio (aged for a minimum of 25 years). These tastings allow participants to appreciate the unique characteristics and nuances that make Modena’s balsamic vinegar world-renowned.

In addition to the tastings and tours, Acetaie Aperte offers a variety of events and activities designed to showcase the culinary heritage and scenic beauty of the Modena region. Visitors can explore the picturesque landscapes of the Food Valley and enjoy local specialties paired with balsamic vinegar. This event not only celebrates the excellence of balsamic vinegar but also highlights the rich gastronomic traditions of Modena.

The significance of Acetaie Aperte extends beyond the promotion of balsamic vinegar. It represents a broader effort to sustain and celebrate the cultural identity of Modena. By opening their doors to the public, vinegar producers invite visitors to become part of their story, sharing the heritage and passion that define their craft.

For those interested in attending Acetaie Aperte, detailed information about the event, including the list of participating acetaie, programs, and access requirements, can be found on the official Acetaie Aperte website. This event promises to be an unforgettable experience for anyone passionate about food, culture, and the timeless art of balsamic vinegar production.


The resolution of the dispute between the consortia for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the celebration of Acetaie Aperte mark significant milestones for the balsamic vinegar industry. Through collaboration and public engagement, these efforts ensure the preservation and promotion of Modena’s rich tradition of balsamic vinegar production. As the world continues to appreciate the unique flavors and heritage of balsamic vinegar, events like Acetaie Aperte play a crucial role in sustaining this cultural treasure.