News About Balsamic Vinegar: Resolutions and Celebrations

balsamic vinegar of Modena

Resolution of the Balsamic Vinegar Dispute

The long-standing dispute between the consortia responsible for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena—IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) and DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta)—has finally come to an end. This conflict, which lasted for two decades, revolved around the distinctiveness and marketing of these two types of balsamic vinegar. However, a significant resolution has been achieved through the formation of a joint initiative called “Le Terre del Balsamico.” This new collaborative effort aims to promote and protect both types of balsamic vinegar, ensuring their quality and authenticity.

The primary goal of “Le Terre del Balsamico” is to enhance scientific research, improve production processes, and support sustainability initiatives. This initiative marks a pivotal moment for the balsamic vinegar industry in Modena, as it brings together the strengths and expertise of both consortia. By working together, they can better uphold the tradition and quality of Modena’s balsamic vinegar, which is cherished worldwide.

The resolution of this dispute is a testament to the importance of preserving the rich heritage and craftsmanship associated with balsamic vinegar production. Modena’s balsamic vinegar, with its unique flavors and complex aging process, is a symbol of the region’s cultural and culinary heritage. This collaboration ensures that the tradition of producing high-quality balsamic vinegar will continue to thrive for future generations.

Acetaie Aperte: A Celebration of Tradition

In conjunction with this resolution, Modena will host the annual Acetaie Aperte event on September 29, 2024. This event is organized by “Le Terre del Balsamico” and serves as a celebration of Modena’s famed balsamic vinegar. Acetaie Aperte provides a unique opportunity for the public to explore the world of balsamic vinegar, offering guided tours and tastings at various vinegar producers throughout the province.

During Acetaie Aperte, visitors can immerse themselves in the intricate production process of balsamic vinegar. The event highlights every stage of production, from the meticulous selection of grapes to the aging of vinegar in wooden barrels. This hands-on experience allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the craftsmanship and dedication involved in creating balsamic vinegar.

The guided tours offer a glimpse into the historical and cultural significance of balsamic vinegar in Modena. Many of the vinegar producers participating in Acetaie Aperte have been family-owned for generations, preserving traditional methods and secrets passed down through the ages. Visitors can witness the passion and expertise that goes into producing both the IGP and DOP varieties of balsamic vinegar.

One of the highlights of Acetaie Aperte is the opportunity to taste different types of balsamic vinegar. Visitors can savor the distinct flavors of the traditional balsamic vinegar, including the affinato (aged for a minimum of 12 years) and the extravecchio (aged for a minimum of 25 years). These tastings allow participants to appreciate the unique characteristics and nuances that make Modena’s balsamic vinegar world-renowned.

In addition to the tastings and tours, Acetaie Aperte offers a variety of events and activities designed to showcase the culinary heritage and scenic beauty of the Modena region. Visitors can explore the picturesque landscapes of the Food Valley and enjoy local specialties paired with balsamic vinegar. This event not only celebrates the excellence of balsamic vinegar but also highlights the rich gastronomic traditions of Modena.

The significance of Acetaie Aperte extends beyond the promotion of balsamic vinegar. It represents a broader effort to sustain and celebrate the cultural identity of Modena. By opening their doors to the public, vinegar producers invite visitors to become part of their story, sharing the heritage and passion that define their craft.

For those interested in attending Acetaie Aperte, detailed information about the event, including the list of participating acetaie, programs, and access requirements, can be found on the official Acetaie Aperte website. This event promises to be an unforgettable experience for anyone passionate about food, culture, and the timeless art of balsamic vinegar production.


The resolution of the dispute between the consortia for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the celebration of Acetaie Aperte mark significant milestones for the balsamic vinegar industry. Through collaboration and public engagement, these efforts ensure the preservation and promotion of Modena’s rich tradition of balsamic vinegar production. As the world continues to appreciate the unique flavors and heritage of balsamic vinegar, events like Acetaie Aperte play a crucial role in sustaining this cultural treasure.

What a Parmesan Cheese Tour Can Bring to You

Embarking on a Parmesan cheese tour offers more than just a culinary experience; it is an immersive journey into the heart of Italian tradition, culture, and gastronomy. This unique adventure takes you through the rich landscapes of Emilia-Romagna, a region renowned for its historical significance and exceptional food heritage. Here’s a detailed exploration of what you can expect and what you will gain from a Parmesan cheese tour.

Parmesan cheese

1. Historical and Cultural Insights

Parmigiano Reggiano, commonly known as Parmesan, is not just a cheese; it is a symbol of Italian cultural heritage with a history spanning nearly 900 years. Originating in the Cistercian and Benedictine monasteries, the production methods have been meticulously preserved and passed down through generations. A tour provides an in-depth look at these historical processes and how they have remained unchanged, preserving the authenticity of this iconic cheese.

2. Educational Experience

Understanding the intricate process of cheese-making is a fascinating educational experience. The tour typically includes visits to local dairies where you can witness the entire production process. From the morning milking sessions to the curdling of milk, the cutting of curd, and the aging process, each step is an art form. Knowledgeable guides explain the science behind the transformations that occur during the aging process, such as proteolysis and lipolysis, which give Parmesan its distinctive flavor and texture.

In the first image, you can see the impressive storage of Parmigiano Reggiano wheels in an aging room. Each wheel is carefully placed on wooden shelves, where it matures over months or even years. The sheer scale of this storage, with rows upon rows of cheese wheels, is a testament to the extensive production and meticulous aging process that contributes to the complex flavors of Parmesan cheese.

3. Gastronomic Delights

A Parmesan cheese tour is a feast for the senses. The tasting sessions are undoubtedly a highlight, where you can sample Parmesan cheese at various stages of aging, from 12 months to over 36 months. Each stage offers a different flavor profile and texture, from the milder, creamier young Parmesan to the complex, crumbly aged versions. These tastings often include pairings with local wines, balsamic vinegar, and other regional delicacies, enhancing the overall gastronomic experience.

4. Appreciation of Artisanal Craftsmanship

The production of Parmigiano Reggiano is a testament to artisanal craftsmanship. Every wheel of Parmesan is made with care and precision, adhering to strict regulations to ensure quality and authenticity. Observing the meticulous attention to detail and the passion of the cheesemakers instills a deep appreciation for the effort and skill required to produce this extraordinary cheese.

The second image showcases a cheesemaker working with the curd in a traditional copper vat. This stage is critical in the cheese-making process, where the curd is carefully cut and manipulated to form the base of what will become Parmigiano Reggiano. The dedication and expertise of the cheesemaker are evident, highlighting the artisanal nature of Parmesan production.

making parmesan cheese

5. Cultural Immersion

A tour of Parmesan cheese production is also an immersion into the local culture of Emilia-Romagna. The region itself is a treasure trove of historical cities, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant traditions. Visiting places like Parma, Modena, and Reggio Emilia allows you to experience the rich cultural tapestry of the area. You can explore local markets, historic sites, and enjoy the warm hospitality of the local people.

6. Sustainability and Tradition

Modern Parmesan cheese production is deeply rooted in sustainable practices. The cows are often grass-fed, and traditional methods are employed to ensure minimal environmental impact. Learning about these practices highlights the importance of sustainability in preserving culinary traditions. Tours often showcase how traditional agricultural methods contribute to the unique qualities of the cheese and support local ecosystems.

7. Connection to Local Producers

Interacting with local producers provides a personal connection to the food you consume. Meeting the farmers and cheesemakers, hearing their stories, and seeing their dedication firsthand creates a profound respect for their work. This connection often enhances the taste and enjoyment of the cheese, knowing the people and processes behind it.

8. Unique Souvenirs and Culinary Skills

One of the practical benefits of a Parmesan cheese tour is the opportunity to purchase authentic Parmigiano Reggiano directly from the source. These cheeses often have a deeper flavor and higher quality than those available commercially. Additionally, many tours offer workshops or demonstrations on how to cook with Parmesan, providing you with new culinary skills to bring home.

9. Memorable Experiences

Finally, a Parmesan cheese tour is a memorable experience that combines learning, tasting, and travel. Whether you are a cheese enthusiast, a foodie, or simply a traveler seeking unique experiences, this tour offers something special. The sights, smells, and flavors of the tour create lasting memories that you will cherish long after the journey ends.


A Parmesan cheese tour is much more than a simple tasting session. It is a journey into the heart of Italian culture, history, and gastronomy. By engaging with the artisanal processes, tasting the results, and exploring the rich heritage of Emilia-Romagna, you gain a comprehensive appreciation for one of Italy’s most famous cheeses. This experience enriches your understanding of food production, enhances your culinary skills, and provides unforgettable memories that highlight the importance of tradition, sustainability, and craftsmanship in the world of fine foods.

Exploring the Heart of Balsamic: A Guide to Visiting Vinegar Producers from Bologna

Italy is not just a country famous for its historical cities, stunning architecture, and rich cultural heritage; it is also the birthplace of many iconic gastronomical delicacies. Among them, Balsamic Vinegar is a celebrated product, with its roots deep in the Modena and Reggio Emilia regions, just a short journey from the city of Bologna.

If you are in Bologna and intrigued by the culinary charm of balsamic vinegar, you can embark on an educational and delightful journey to the places where this precious condiment is produced. Here is a guide on how to visit the best Balsamic Vinegar places from Bologna.

**1. Plan Your Route:**

Bologna is conveniently located just a short drive from both Modena and Reggio Emilia, the two cities most famous for their balsamic vinegar production. Plan your route to visit different producers located around these cities. You might want to start with larger, more famous producers such as Acetaia Leonardi or Acetaia Guiseppe Giusti, before moving on to smaller, family-run operations.

**2. Book Tours in Advance:**

Many balsamic vinegar producers offer guided tours that allow you to discover the magic behind the making of this unique condiment. They are popular tourist attractions, so booking in advance is recommended. Tours usually include a walk through the vineyards, an explanation of the balsamic vinegar making process, and a tasting session of various types of vinegar.

**3. Use Public Transportation or Rent a Car:**

If you prefer not to drive, there are public transportation options to Modena and Reggio Emilia from Bologna. Both cities have train stations with frequent service to and from Bologna. From the train station, you can take a taxi or local bus to the balsamic vinegar producers. However, if you plan on visiting multiple producers in a single day, renting a car might be the most convenient option.

**4. Tasting Sessions:**

One of the highlights of visiting balsamic vinegar places is the opportunity to taste different varieties of vinegar. Each producer has its unique method of production and aging process, which creates distinct flavors. So, engage your taste buds and learn to discern the subtle differences.

**5. Consider a Guided Tour:**

If you prefer an organized approach, consider booking a guided tour from Bologna. These tours often include transportation, visits to multiple balsamic vinegar producers, tasting sessions, and sometimes even a traditional Italian meal. It’s a hassle-free way to explore the balsamic vinegar places and gain a deeper understanding of this precious condiment.

**6. Buy Directly From Producers:**

Visiting balsamic vinegar places also provides a great opportunity to buy directly from the producers. You’ll find a variety of options, from young vinegars perfect for salad dressings, to aged ones that are a delicious accompaniment to cheese, strawberries, or even ice cream.

**7. Respect the Producers:**

Remember, these producers are sharing their passion and livelihood with you. Respect the time and dedication it takes to produce balsamic vinegar. Pay attention during tours, ask thoughtful questions, and respect the facilities and the rules.

Embarking on a journey to explore the origin of balsamic vinegar is not just about tasting a product; it’s about understanding its history, production process, and significance in Italian culinary tradition. From Bologna, the gateway to Italy’s balsamic vinegar region, you’re perfectly positioned to uncover the secrets behind one of the world’s most appreciated condiments. Enjoy the journey!

Some balsamic vinegar producers from Modena that you can contact
1. Acetaia Borgo Castello SRL:

Located in Savignano sul Panaro, Acetaia Borgo Castello SRL prides itself on producing high-quality balsamic vinegar in adherence to traditional methods. The family-run operation offers an authentic experience that illustrates the art and dedication behind this gastronomical delicacy.

Contact them to schedule a visit and immerse yourself in the captivating process of making balsamic vinegar. You can reach them at +39 059 768711 or via email at

2. Acetaia Cazzola e Fiorini SRL:

Established in 1919, Acetaia Cazzola e Fiorini SRL is steeped in a century of history. The Acetaia, based in Savignano sul Panaro, continues to produce balsamic vinegar with utmost respect for tradition. You can reach out at +39 059 8676968 or for queries and tour information.

3. Acetaia Fini Modena SRL:

Known worldwide for its distinctive and premium balsamic vinegar, Acetaia Fini Modena SRL provides a glimpse into the traditional methods of production. Book a visit to their premises in Modena via their website or contact them at +39 0535 59190 or

4. Acetaia Giuseppe Cremonini SRL:

Located in Spilamberto, Acetaia Giuseppe Cremonini SRL is a prominent name in the balsamic vinegar world. They are reachable at +39 059 7474030 or at

5. Acetaia Guerzoni S.R.L:

Acetaia Guerzoni, located in Concordia sulla Secchia, has been creating organic balsamic vinegar for over a century. They offer a unique tour experience, which can be booked at +39 0535 56561 or

6. Acetaia La Bonissima SRL:

A visit to Acetaia La Bonissima SRL in Formigine offers an opportunity to discover the intricate process behind balsamic vinegar production. You can book a visit at +39 059 512112 or

7. Acetaia Malpighi SRL:

This historic producer in Modena, Acetaia Malpighi SRL, offers visitors a chance to experience the labor of love that goes into every bottle of their balsamic vinegar. Book a visit at +39 059 465063 or

8. Acetaia Manicardi SRL:

Based in Castelvetro, Acetaia Manicardi SRL merges tradition with innovation to produce exquisite balsamic vinegar. Schedule your visit at +39 059 799000 or

9. Acetaia Tradizionale Filippi SRL:

Last but not least, Acetaia Tradizionale Filippi SRL in Modena takes pride in crafting top-quality
traditional balsamic vinegar. They can be contacted at +39 059 822835 or

Reggio Emilia
1. Acetaia Al Livel – Az. Agr. Simonazzi Fabio:

Located in Gualtieri, Acetaia Al Livel is a notable producer, where traditional methods and local expertise combine to create some of the finest balsamic vinegar. You can find them at Via Pieve, 94/A.

2. Acetaia Bizzarri – Pedrini Giovanna:

This Acetaia, found at Via San Francesco 8/A in Careggio, is a testament to the rich heritage of balsamic vinegar in the region. Here, you can experience firsthand the captivating process that brings this Italian delicacy to life.

3. Acetaia Castelli – Az. Agr. Iotti Andrea:

Located in Rio Saliceto at Via Castelli, 5, Acetaia Castelli offers a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of balsamic vinegar production.

4. Acetaia Castello di Vergnano:

Experience the richness of balsamic vinegar at Acetaia Castello di Vergnano, found in Albinea at Via S. Geminiano 4. It’s a must-visit destination for all food enthusiasts.

5. Acetaia Comunale Albinea:

Situated in the heart of Albinea at Via Garibaldi 15, this Acetaia is a destination that merges traditional production techniques with an immersive visitor experience.

6. Acetaia dell’Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore N. Mandela:

A unique concept, this Acetaia located in Castelnovone Monti, is a blend of education and tradition, giving a glimpse into the history and production process of balsamic vinegar.

7. Acetaia di Montericco:

Found in Montericco at Via Castellana, 60, Acetaia di Montericco offers a rich, authentic experience of the local balsamic vinegar production process.

8. Acetaia Ferretti Corradini:

Based in Reggio Emilia at Via R. Cartesio 13/1, Acetaia Ferretti Corradini offers a hands-on, immersive experience of balsamic vinegar production.

9. Acetaia Granduca Amuleti:

This producer, located in Forche di Puianello at Via Alva Myrdal, 15, provides a deep dive into the world of balsamic vinegar, capturing the essence of this Italian delicacy.

10. Acetaia Lica – Az Agricola Pedrazzoli Anna Maria:

Located in S. Polo d’Enza at Via Macigno Montemoro, 3, Acetaia Lica offers visitors a unique glimpse into the authentic tradition of balsamic vinegar production.

11. Acetaia Ovi:

You can find Acetaia Ovi in Roteglia di Castellarano at Via Galvani, 30. It is renowned for producing top-quality balsamic vinegar using traditional methods.

12. Acetaia Picci:

Located in Cavriago at Via Roncaglio, 29, Acetaia Picci offers a unique opportunity to explore the depth and complexity of balsamic vinegar.

13. Acetaia Pratonera di Giancarlo Cavazzoni:

This Acetaia, located in Cavriago at Via Girondola, 49, is a must-visit destination for those seeking an immersive balsamic vinegar experience.

14. Acetaia Razzoli:

This producer is known for its dedication to maintaining the time-honored traditions of balsamic vinegar production.

Each visit to these balsamic vinegar producers offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding and appreciation of this cherished Italian delicacy. Enjoy the journey through the fascinating world of Aceto Balsamico di Reggio Emilia.

Reasons to Visit Bologna in Italy.

5 reasons to visit Bologna.

Welcome to the vibrant city of Bologna, a destination that truly captures the essence of Italy’s rich culinary heritage, cultural wonders, and captivating beauty. Nestled in the heart of the country, Bologna offers a feast for the senses, from its world-famous traditional dishes to its impressive historical landmarks. Join us as we embark on a journey through this remarkable city, where you’ll discover an array of delectable delights, immerse yourself in a tapestry of history and culture, and bask in the enchanting atmosphere that permeates every corner. Get ready to experience the true essence of Bologna, where food, history, and beauty converge to create an unforgettable travel experience.

1. Bologna is home to some of the best food in Italy. From traditional dishes like tortellini and tagliatelle to more unique fare like mortadella and ragù, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

2. The city is home to a wealth of historical and cultural attractions. From the University of Bologna, the oldest university in Europe, to the Bologna Cathedral and the Portico of Bologna, there’s plenty to see and do.

3. Bologna is a beautiful city, with a medieval center that is full of character. From the red-brick buildings to the network of canals, there’s plenty to admire.

4. The city is well-connected, with excellent train and bus links to the rest of Italy. This makes it the perfect base for exploring the country.

5. Bologna is a friendly and welcoming city, with a lively atmosphere. From the many bars and restaurants to the busy streets, there’s a real sense of energy about the place.

Welcome to the culinary paradise of Bologna, where food enthusiasts can embark on a delightful journey exploring the production of two iconic Italian delicacies. Discover the secrets behind Parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar as you venture into the heart of Bologna and the neighboring city of Modena. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of these gastronomic treasures, witnessing firsthand the craftsmanship and traditions that have made them world-renowned.

How can someone visit parmesan cheese production in Bologna.

There are a number of ways to visit a Parmesan cheese production facility in Bologna. Many tour operators offer day trips from the city, which typically include a visit to a Parmesan cheese producer, as well as other food-related attractions in the area. Alternatively, it is possible to arrange a visit directly with a producer. Some producers offer tours of their facilities, while others welcome visitors by appointment only.

Is possbile to go to Modena from Bologna to visit balsamic vinegar producers?

Yes, it is possible to go to Modena from Bologna to visit balsamic vinegar producers. Many tour operators offer day trips from Bologna to Modena, which typically include a visit to a balsamic vinegar producer, as well as other food-related attractions in the area. Alternatively, it is possible to arrange a visit directly with a producer. Some producers offer tours of their facilities, while others welcome visitors by appointment only.

is parmesan cheese tour worthed?

A Parmesan cheese tour can be a great way to learn about the production of this iconic cheese, as well as to sample some of the different varieties that are available. Tours typically last for a few hours and include a visit to a Parmesan cheese producer, as well as other food-related attractions in the area.

What else can I see in Modena?

In addition to visiting a balsamic vinegar producer, there are a number of other food-related attractions in Modena that are worth visiting. These include the Acetaia Comunale, a traditional balsamic vinegar production facility, and the Museo Enzo Ferrari, which is dedicated to the life and work of the legendary Italian racing driver.

What is the foodies delight tour?

The Foodies Delight Tour is a food-themed tour that visits a number of different food-related attractions in Bologna. The tour typically includes a visit to a Parmesan cheese producer, as well as other food-related attractions in the area.

As we conclude our exploration of the Parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar production in Bologna and Modena, it becomes evident that these experiences are a must for any food lover. The opportunity to witness the artistry and dedication that goes into crafting these culinary gems is truly invaluable. From the cheese aging process to the intricate steps of producing balsamic vinegar, these tours offer a sensory and educational journey that will leave you with a profound appreciation for these Italian gastronomic treasures. So, plan your visit to Bologna and Modena, and prepare to indulge in the rich flavors and traditions that have made Parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar beloved staples of Italian cuisine.